Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The AT in Baxter State Park

Follows the Hunt Trail from Abol Bridge to the top of Katahdin. That's where I plan to be on the 13th and 14th.

The trail enters the park from the southwest and aims pretty much straight to the summit. It's on the other side of the mountain from the trails leading to and from Chimney Pond.

The park authorities encourage thru-hikers to leave their full packs at the base and summit with loaner daypacks, so after I reach the top, I'll have to get back to retrieve my stuff.

For those of you who might be planning a trip to the park, please keep in touch with my mom; hopefully, I'll be able to let her know where I'm at as Katahdin gets closer!


  1. Woo hoo!
    Don't run the last 1.5 miles...

  2. Remember not to start peeing on the bushes when you get back home. Congratulations my friend. I'll be at the shore today, but thinking about the 'crazy mountain man' at the top of the world.


  3. Today is the 14th. are U at the top today or yesterday, Rick.
    Either way is quite the hike, to say the least!!
    Amazing photos, love them all.
    You will sleep good tonite, eh?
    Love Aunt Barb

  4. So the question is... is it time to turn around and hike back to Georgia?

  5. Go for it Rick! Wendy and I have been following your trip from afar. Amazing. We can't wait to see you and Angie later this year. - Jon
