Thursday, March 31, 2016

Three Years!!

Since I started's really hard to believe; hard to believe that so much time has passed so quickly, but even harder to believe that I had the time to hike at all. Now I feel so busy, I don't even have time to keep up this blog, let alone hike very far!

Ah, well. Such is life. I still know I'm very lucky to have experienced the Appalachian Trail in all its glory, and I'm very grateful for the opportunity. I'm also grateful to all those people who did so much to help speed me on my way.  

For those of you who might be interested, I did finish my story about the thru-hike. It's called Walking Home to Maine, and you can download it from Amazon. The link is here: 

The book has gotten some good reviews in the few months that it's been available, so I feel pretty confident recommending it, and you can download it for free if you have Amazon Prime. I hope you enjoy it!

And since this is the start of the AT North-bound hiking season, I want to wish all the thru-hikers good luck!  I hope you get to the shelter just before it starts to rain, I hope there's still space for you, and I hope the mice leave your Snickers bars alone!  Good Hiking!


  1. Rick, we're updating the 32 Roster. Do you have a new email address? Send it to me at

  2. I am very much enjoying your book which I am reading on the Kindle for Android app. However all of the pictures show up as icons not pictures. Wish I could see the pictures! :-(

    1. Thanks for reading my book! and thanks for telling me about the lack of pictures..I'll check it out and fix it right away!
